The Castelli Romani - suburbs on the southwest side of Rome • 300,000 people • One Baptist Church
Central Missionary Clearinghouse CMC is based in Houston, Texas and is our third party resource manager for church planting in Italy. They bring accountability to our finances and help us process donations in a very effective and cost efficient way. They are a non profit organization and will make sure the funds you donate get to us and that you get the appropriate tax information for your donation. They have a great track record and are trusted by over 700 ministry projects.
City House Rome - A Place For The City City House Rome is our newest project with The Church Outside. We have rented a space next to a local coffee shop in our host town of Grottaferrata. This space is already being used for Bible studies and in the future will be used as a gathering place for our friends. We will provide a comfortable and safe atmosphere to work in and introduce our friends to the Jesus of the Bible.
The Church Outside The Church Outside exists to help Italians think about God outside the box. We strive to teach the Bible in a welcoming and creative atmosphere in order to help those who have struggled with church or God to reimagine Truth through the lense of Scripture. We are the body of Christ and the temples of the living God. This perspective challenges many core assumptions of church in Italy and our hope is nothing short of a nation wide awakening.